PCA Successfully Hosted 2018 Chinese New Year Gala

On February 18, 2018, Berry Miller Junior High of Pearland was filled with warmth of joy in a cold day in Pearland.  Pearland Chinese Association held its first gala to celebrate the Chinese New Year.  Hundreds of people along with volunteers attended this great event.  The Mayor of Pearland Tom Reid, State Representative Ed Thompson and Chief of the Police department Johnny Spires attended the gala.  

Many Asians have found Pearland as their homes in the US.  Pearland along with Alvin and Manvel have seen rapid growth of Asian populations in the past decade.  Many of them hold advanced degrees and work at the medical center of Houston.  The gala was inaugurated to celebrate diversity and traditions of the Chinese and Asian culture.  The gala was filled with traditional Chinese decorations and arts and people enjoyed great performances in folk songs, dances, martial arts as well as great food.

Pearland Chinese Association (PCA) is a non-profit organization (501 (c) (3)) consisting of 17 board members.  The mission of PCA is to promote understanding and harmony among residents of different ethnicity in Pearland and help Chinese immigrants assimilate into the mainstream of the American society.  PCA believes in the value of diversity and encourages members to contribute to the community through volunteering.

More than 50 volunteers and the PCA board worked tirelessly before, in the middle of and after the gala.  The event was well received.  Mr. Mayor gave a speech during the gala to congratulate on the success of the debut of the gala.  President of PCA Brian Liu made the opening remarks and welcomed every attendee.